In the United States, over 221 million people admit to drinking alcohol at least some of the time. We understand that there is a world of difference

between an enjoyable drink with friends and alcohol addiction. But many people

may not understand that difference, and they might not even realize they’re developing a dependency.

According to the latest national survey, 10.6% of the population struggles with alcohol use disorder (AUD). This contributes to nearly 5 million emergency room visits, as well as an unfortunate 140,000 deaths each year.

We understand that nobody plans to become an addict, which is why we offer compassionate alcohol addiction treatment without judgment. Understanding more about how alcohol affects your mind and body could prevent addiction from setting in or help you reach out for help when you need it.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

How Addictive Is Alcohol?

Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that can cause dependency in the brain. Despite being less controlled than some other substances, it is one of the most addictive. Many factors can determine how likely alcohol addiction, also called alcoholism, could affect you, including:

  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Daily stress levels
  • Personal circumstances
  • Other substances used, including prescription medications
  • Diet and lifestyle

Someone who eats a healthy, balanced diet, exercises regularly, and takes no prescription medications may be able to drink alcohol with a low risk of addiction. However, there are no guarantees. If that person has a family history of alcohol dependency, they could be at risk no matter how healthy their lifestyle is. That’s why it’s critical to drink in moderation and understand the signs that could indicate a problem is developing.

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Alcohol Use: Drinking Culture in the United States

Alcohol is a part of American culture and has been for hundreds of years. From a glass of wine with a good meal to popping a bottle of champagne to celebrate an achievement, there are so many situations that “call” for alcohol.

Unfortunately, this has created a culture where it’s difficult for people to say “No” when offered a drink, even if they know they don’t want one or they’ve already had too much. There is a stigma around not drinking at social events, and particularly around not accepting a drink when it’s offered to you. Having the confidence to politely decline a drink without having to explain yourself should be the norm. With the right treatment for alcohol addiction from Engage Wellness Acton, MA, you or a loved one can get to a point where those situations become easier to handle.

Alcohol is also seen as a way of “drowning sorrows” and it’s socially acceptable to drink heavily when dealing with life’s troubles such as:

  • A relationship breakup
  • Bereavement
  • Trauma
  • Work-related stress
  • School bullying or other issues—the national survey mentioned above starts with drinkers as young as 12 years old
  • Dealing with mental illness, such as anxiety or depression

This last point is highly problematic because alcohol is a depressant. Someone may struggle with depression and drink alcohol to feel lighter and disconnected in the moment. Later, they will suffer from alcohol withdrawal that can lead to deeper feelings of depression. Physically, alcohol can alter the volumes of chemicals in the brain, leading to potentially deeper and more prolonged periods of depression. If this prompts further alcohol use, it can become a deadly spiral.

Alcohol Addiction Warning Signs

With so many people drinking alcohol every day, how do you know if you’re developing a dependency? You could look for the following behavioral signs:

  • Wanting to not have a drink then having one anyway
  • Thinking about drinking alcohol during the working day or when busy with other tasks
  • Lying to hide how much you drink
  • Forgetting responsibilities, such as work deadlines or family commitments, due to alcohol use
  • Prioritizing occasions that will have alcohol over those that won’t
  • Feeling low or “not yourself” unless you’ve had a drink
  • Feeling distressed if you don’t have access to alcohol
  • Mood swings and irritability with no other obvious cause
  • Encouraging others to drink alcohol so you can justify having a drink

You may also notice frequent headaches, nausea, fidgeting, dulled vision or “glassy” eyes, a lack of focus, or even a lack of coordination. If any of these sound familiar, or you’ve seen these behaviors in someone else, you can speak to the team here at Engage Wellness Acton, MA for advice. We can help you encourage someone to get help without judgment or shame, or talk you through your own next steps.

How Does Alcohol Impact Your Body and Mind?

Over time, alcohol wreaks havoc on the body. Your system isn’t capable of constantly processing large volumes of ethanol (the chemical name for alcohol) regularly and will suffer wear and tear. This can lead to:

  • Liver disease or permanent cirrhosis, scarring that replaces healthy tissue
  • Various cancers, including liver, esophagus, mouth, larynx, rectum, colon, or breast
  • Immune system problems
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Malnutrition and associated problems
  • Reduced bone density
  • Gastrointestinal ulcers and other digestive tract diseases
  • Brain damage and eventual coma if AUD is untreated

Alcohol also impacts your weight, how well you sleep, your hydration levels, your skin, and, of course, your mental health.

We’ve already touched on the link between alcohol and depression. However, the impact of alcohol on the mind could go much deeper. Research suggests that continuous alcohol use changes the structure of the brain physically, leading to memory loss and confusion. It could also cause permanent problems with balance, speech, and judgment.

AUD could cause someone to become incapable of continuing their career if they no longer have the mental or physical acuity to work effectively. It can also leave people at a much higher risk of injury due to falls, slips, or trips.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment and Recovery With Engage Wellness Acton, MA

While alcohol use can be problematic, it’s also highly treatable with the right approach. Speak to Engage Wellness Acton, MA and discover how we work with clients just like you or your loved one every day. Our holistic methods ensure that we consider the root causes of alcohol dependency to help you develop the resilience to deal with any of those situations—without turning to alcohol.

Our approach encompasses body, mind, and psyche, so every aspect of your life can benefit from our alcohol addiction treatment programs. You can learn to handle social situations without needing to drink, and gain the confidence to prioritize healthy pastimes that empower you to stay away from alcohol.

We know that addiction isn’t a choice, and we tailor all our treatment plans to the individual, taking your unique circumstances into account. Reaching out for help shows strength and determination. You’re not alone, and we have the right experts and techniques in place to help you overcome alcohol dependency and its associated mental health conditions.

Contact Engage Wellness Acton, MA today and let’s get you or your loved one on the road to recovery.