Methamphetamine (meth) is a synthetic psychostimulant drug that puts lives on the line. Highly addictive and aggressively damaging to the body, those suffering from this substance use disorder may feel alone and terrified of the future. At Engage Wellness Acton, we’re your ally, the team you need to help you overcome the challenges of meth addiction.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse shares that about 2.5 million people have used meth in the last year in the U.S. Of them, about 1.6 million people are expected to have a meth substance use disorder. Often known by other names, such as crystal meth, uppers, fire, ice, glass, crank, or poor man’s cocaine, this highly dangerous drug can cause significant health complications, including overdose.

How Addictive Is Meth?

As a popular street drug, meth is not only highly addictive but is also often easier to obtain than other drugs. This creates a high risk of misuse. Moreover, many people who use meth gain a false sense of extreme invincibility and ample energy, which encourages reckless behavior that can be dangerous in itself.

Meth Addiction Treatment

Addiction stems from the interaction the drug has with the neurotransmitters in the brain, including both noradrenaline and dopamine. When used, a person may begin to feel a sense of euphoria, significant energy, and a high level of focus, like many other stimulants. Because meth triggers the reward center of the brain, the brain makes the connection to the drug as a way of getting pleasure. Since the brain is programmed to seek out pleasure-causing activities and substances, addiction to meth can occur very quickly.

Continued use of meth is highly dangerous. It is linked to the onset of numerous serious health problems, dental health complications, and overdose risk. Meth carries the risk of psychological and physical dependence. That means that a person’s brain seeks out the drug and becomes dependent on it to function as it normally does. One way to know if this is occurring is to consider what happens when you do not get access to the substance. When that happens, you may feel intense cravings, physical pain, and emotional turmoil. Those withdrawal symptoms indicate dependence.

Also notable, meth creates tolerance. Over time, the body becomes used to the substance; as a result, it needs a higher dose or more frequent use to continue achieving the same high. The result is a higher level of toxicity in the body, which puts people at a much higher risk for overdose and further complications.

United States Meth Culture

Meth substance use disorder often occurs because of how low the cost of this drug is compared to other stimulants. The drug is often made in clandestine labs, using over-the-counter ingredients, including some types of cold medications. As a result, it can be highly accessible in some areas, making it hard to avoid.

In the U.S., meth was classified as a Schedule II controlled substance in 1971 due to its ability to cause significant abuse, dependence, and addiction. It continues to be highly dangerous to consume but so readily available that those who “try it” can easily continue to find it and can develop a dependence on the substance quickly.

Warning Signs of Meth Addiction

Addiction to meth can occur quickly, and when it does, it can cause long-term health consequences. However, meth addiction treatment can be highly effective as well. The sooner treatment is sought, the better the potential outcomes can be.

Some of the most common warning signs of meth addiction include:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Euphoria or a feeling of being high
  • Increased wakefulness, often the inability to sleep
  • Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and irregular heart rates
  • Nervous activity
  • Psychosis
  • Dry mouth
  • Mood swings, often including outbursts of aggressive behavior and violence
  • Dilated pupils
  • Rapid eye movement

Also notable is the implication of “meth mouth,” a condition specifically notable in people who have a serious addiction to meth. The drug is very likely to cause damage to a person’s dental health, leading to rotting teeth and teeth that eventually fall out.

Signs of serious addiction and dependence include:

  • Significant weight loss
  • Dramatic mood swings
  • Paranoia
  • Passing out
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Overdose, an emergency medical condition

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Long-Term Effects of Meth Use

Over time, meth users can experience:

  • Open wounds and sores that lead to a high risk of infection
  • Brain damage from continued use
  • A high risk of stroke
  • Hallucinations and paranoia that do not improve
  • Inflammation of the lining of the heart, leading to heart failure

Body and Mind Effects of Meth Addiction

Meth changes the way your brain works. Because meth interacts with the neurotransmitters in the brain, it teaches the brain to consistently seek out access to the drug. The more you use it, the more your brain wants that substance. This cycle leads to dependence.

In many people, it also creates intense cravings. The more you use it, the more likely you’ll also struggle with needing more. Many people become hyper-focused on the drug and, without it being their fault, simply cannot stop making finding it a priority.

At the same time, meth is very toxic to your body. It breaks down cell walls, damages the lining of your organs, and can lead to a high risk of clots forming that can lead to strokes. It also gives a person a false sense of high energy. Your heart races, your mind races, and you breathe faster. All of this can lead to intense stress on the organs. Ultimately, the body cannot handle this intensity for long, which leads to a crash, or in some cases, your heart stops.

Meth is perhaps one of the most challenging drug addictions because of the serious impact it has on the body and brain. Damage happens quickly, and often, a person who wants to stop may find it nearly impossible to do so, no matter how badly they desire to.

This is due to the control that meth has on the function of the brain’s reward center. It is so intense that it can cause a person to develop a strong dependence that leads to long-term health risks.

Meth addiction treatment must include breaking through the actual dependency to provide the body time to heal. This takes very focused support and care in a medically supervised detox center. From there, meth addiction treatment also incorporates hands-on education, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and alternative care to support recovery over a long period of time. Treatment for meth addiction in a focused treatment program can offer relief.

Treatment for Meth Addiction

If you believe you have the signs of meth addiction, or you believe your family member does, let the team at Engage Wellness Acton offer help. Treatment for meth addiction can be highly effective and is vital to your health, but it takes a significant amount of support.

At Engage Wellness Acton, we are more than just a treatment center; we are your ally, support system, and, most importantly, your path to recovery. If you are struggling with meth use, it is critical to consider the strategies available for minimizing dependence and breaking through addiction. Contact us for immediate care and support.